# $Id: GNUmakefile 2578 2013-10-17 19:26:04Z sra $ RFC2629TOOLS_BASE := $(firstword $(wildcard ${RFC2629TOOLS_BASE} rfc2629tools ../rfc2629tools)) ifeq (${RFC2629TOOLS_BASE},) $(error Could not guess RFC2629TOOLS_BASE setting, try setting it manually) endif include ${RFC2629TOOLS_BASE}/GNUmakefile rpki-publication.rng: rpki-publication.rnc trang $? $@ rpki-publication.xml: rpki-publication.rnc GNUmakefile awk $@ '\ BEGIN {printf "
"}' clean tidy:: rm -f rpki-publication.rng rpki-publication.xml nits: idnits $(addsuffix .txt, ${TARGETS}) # ID-nits is complaining about nonexisting RFC references this week, # and is rather slow, so don't run it automatically. # #all:: nits clean tidy:: rm -f example.*.xml examples.stamp example.*.tmp example.%.xml: examples.stamp @true examples.stamp: rpki-publication.rng examples.py GNUmakefile python examples.py touch $@ examples: rpki-publication.xml examples.stamp # Fun with LaTeX beamer PDFLATEX := pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction batchmode SLIDES_SOURCES := $(wildcard *-slides.tex) SLIDES_TARGETS := $(patsubst %.tex, %.pdf, ${SLIDES_SOURCES}) SLIDE_CLUTTER := $(addprefix *-slides.,aux log nav out snm toc vrb) slides:: ${SLIDES_TARGETS} clean tidy:: rm -f ${SLIDE_CLUTTER} clean-slides:: rm -f ${SLIDES_TARGETS} %.pdf: %.tex ${PDFLATEX} $*.tex ${PDFLATEX} $*.tex rm -f ${SLIDE_CLUTTER} show-slides: slides ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin) open ${SLIDES_TARGETS} else evince ${SLIDES_TARGETS} endif